
Embark on a Transformative Spiritual Journey

  • Gain a Deeper Understanding of God Through Comprehensive Biblical Teachings

  • Strengthen Your Faith and Find Freedom from Fear Through Christ

  • Foster Supportive Relationships Based on Grace

Does this sound like you?

Problem #1

Coping with feelings of fear, anxiety, and lack of peace. The school teaches that these feelings are not from God and that believers can find true peace and freedom through Christ, who provides strength and courage to face life's challenges without fear.

Problem #2

Struggling with reliance on self and worldly things rather than fully depending on God. The school emphasizes that we cannot meet our own needs and are called to rely on God's sufficiency, experiencing his grace, love, and power as the ultimate source of life and purpose.

Problem #3

Feeling trapped by sinful habits or an "old self" and desiring transformation. Kingdom Life School focuses on transitioning believers from old selves rooted in sin to new creations in Christ, realizing their identity as forgiven, righteous, and empowered by the Holy Spirit to overcome sin and live in freedom.

David was Struggling With the same problems Until...

"I always thought having a coach was just a waist of money but after a friend recommended it for my business I gave it a shot and WOW even just the discovery call gave me actionable advice that helped me see immediate results!"

• David Michael Atlanta

About Your Coach

David grew up relying on his own abilities and coping mechanisms to meet his needs, rather than trusting in God. This led him down a destructive path. However, God reached out and saved him. He was led to A Better Way Ministries, where other men spoke highly of the Freedom from Addiction course taught by Greg Cleland. Seizing the opportunity, the coach took the course and it transformed his life. He has been renewed by applying the truths from the Bible. Now these biblical principles influence every decision he makes daily. David gets to teach this program to the people who are broken and desperate, sharing the hope he found. Empowered by God, he is blessed to be part of what God is doing. He is grateful for the chance to contribute to the transformation of others' lives through relying on God and his Word.

If you're tired of dealing with these problems...